Former Editor - Psychic News

an inclusive community for all who seek the love, light and affirmation of the spirit.
Welcome to the Official Website for Stourbridge National Spiritualist Church.
Over the course of the past Century, our beautiful Church - based in the heart of the West Midlands, UK - has grown to become one of the most respected and prolific centres of Spiritualism, Mediumship and the Psychic Sciences in the World.
As a hub for Modern Spiritualism in all of its many facets and forms, we welcome anyone and everyone to come along to one of our Demonstrations, Services, Workshops, Healing sessions and all other manner of activity and events, to share in the love and light of our affirming, inclusive religion.
As one of the local Churches of the SNU (the Spiritualists' National Union), we are also a Registered Charity, and look forward to hopefully welcoming you through our doors very soon!
We hope you enjoy exploring our brand new site! Please use the menu at the top of the page to navigate, and, should you wish to get in touch, head to our Contact Us Page to send us a message!